郭宏肇醫師在卑詩大學(University of British Columbia)獲得細胞生物學學士學位後, 再申請進入西雅圖巴斯帝爾大學(Bastyr University) 完成自然醫學和中醫的教育與實習。他是少數能夠在四年內完成自然醫學博士學位(Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, ND) 和東方醫學及針炙碩士學位(Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, MSAOM) 的畢業生.
郭醫師於1997年開業至今已二十余年, 幫助了不少急性與慢性疾病的患者, 是目前卑詩省內唯一同時擁有自然醫學醫師和高級中醫師執照的醫生. 郭醫師運用西醫的診斷科技(如量血壓, 驗血, X-光等),自然醫學的功能性檢測(如肝臟代謝功能, 動態骨質流失率,雌激素代謝產物等),與中醫的望聞問切來幫患者做全面的診斷. 在治療上, 郭醫師著重用自然藥品與中醫來幫患者恢復自身的機能, 儘量減少用阻斷性或是抑制性的西藥. 當然, 在某些疾病上郭醫師有時候會短期的使用西藥來穩定病情.
郭醫師的醫務範圍包括內科, 兒科, 婦科, 與傷科. 對於心血管疾病, 甲狀腺亢進, 過敏性疾病, 女性荷爾蒙失調, 與運動傷害更是有獨到的心得. 其他的專業資格認證包括重金屬鰲合療法,臭氧治療,NAET 減敏療法, 與美塑療法等。
郭醫師目前是加拿大國家中醫藥學會(National Traditional Chinese Medicine Association of Canada)的理事兼秘書, 也曾任卑詩省骨質疏鬆學會(Osteoporosis Society of BC)與卑詩省自然醫學協會(British Columbia Naturopathic Association)之理事.
除此之外, 郭醫師現擔任網上醫療期刊Dragon’s Medical Bulletin(DMB)的總編輯. DMB每年發行十次, 是一份針對專業醫護人員的期刊, 提供最新的整體醫學研究資訊, 包括自然醫學, 中醫, 以及西藥等.
不只是醫生的時間寶貴,我們也尊重每一位病人的時間.期望您可以準時來看診, 醫生也將盡可能不讓您久候. 若因故無法準時赴約也請提前通知我們。首次看診是最為重要的, 醫師需要詳細詢問目前和過去病史,了解您的飲食習慣和生活作息,檢視您的整體健康狀況以及服用的藥物和健康食品,若有需要將會開單子讓您做進一步的理學檢查, 所以通常需要45分鐘至1小時. 醫師在首診末了將會與您討論您的健康狀況以及治療計畫.往後的複診時間通常需要15-20分鐘。
Dr. Martin Kwok established Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic in the summer of 1997 and has been offering patients in Richmond and Metro Vancouver area a wide range of medical care and specialized treatments. The clinic sees patients with simple cold or flu to patients with severe chronic conditions like heart disease or cancer.
Dr. Martin Kwok completed his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Columbia. He then pursued his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Master of Science in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle Washington.
Dr. Kwok holds a naturopathic physician license and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine license in BC, and has a general practice in the heart of Richmond, BC. He sees all walks of patients with special focuses on cardiovascular conditions, thyroid conditions, allergies, gastrointestinal conditions, male/female hormonal imbalances, and soft tissue injuries.
Dr. Kwok is actively involved in his profession and the community. He is the board member and secretary of National Traditional Chinese Association of Canada (NTCM), and a past board member of the Osteoporosis Society of BC (OSTOP), the Osteoporosis Society of Canada (BC division), and the British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA). He is a physician in good standing with the College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC (CNPBC) and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA).
In addition, Dr. Kwok is the Editor-In-Chief of Dragon’s Medical Bulletin (DMB), a professional E-newsletter that published ten times per year. DMB informs practicing physicians of the latest news and research abstracts in integrative medicine and oriental medicine. The DMB newsletter is free of charge of open to all health care practitioners and interested patients.
As a patient of the clinic, you can expect minimal waiting time and individualized health care services. We believe that every patient’s time is as valuable as the doctor’s, thus we normally do not book more than one patient in the same time slot.
We also ask our patients to respect the doctor’s schedule and other patients’ appointments by being on time and informing us if they are going to be late or cannot make the appointment.
The initial visit is the most important visit and it often takes 1 to 1 ½ hours to complete. Please note that we will have to take a full history of your current condition, know your past medical history, understand your diet and lifestyle, review rest of your body systems, go over your current medications and supplementations, and perform physical exams if indicated.
At the end of your first visit, your doctor will discuss your condition and overall treatment plan with you. Follow-up visits are usually between 15 – 30 minutes.